The World of Holmes No.13

Takahashi, Etsuko “Curious Relationship between Two Great Detectives in Britain” 高橋悦子「英国が生んだ二人の偉大な探偵の不思議な関係」 WH No.13 (1990),58-60p
The author makes a hypothesis that Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot worked together to solve the cases in European Continent before the World War I. She also assumes Poirot respected Holmes even though he did not follow Holmes’ s style as a detective.
  Literary Parallels and Comparisons

Matsuura, Hiroe “Sherlock Holmes and German Music” 松浦宏江「ホームズとドイツ音楽」 WH No.13 (1990),61-67p
The author introduces some music pieces that relate to the Canon, and speculates Holmes could be a great musician if he did not become a detective. She also thinks rational and powerful German music would most fit to Holmes.

Horie, Kazuyoshi “Distrust to Journalists” 堀江和義「記者への不信」 WH No.13 (1990),68-73p
The author points out only three journalists appear in the Canon even though newspapers often appear in the scenes. He assumes its reason to be Holmes’s dislike of journalists with his bitter experience with them in his school days.

Tsukitari, Kazukiyo “Sherlock Holmes and Insurance Crimes” 月足一清「シャーロック・ホームズと生命保険犯罪」 WH No.13 (1990),83-89p
The author infers Conan Doyle took a hint from Hans Gross’s “Handbuch Fur Untersuchungsrichter als System der krimina Iistick (Criminal Investigations, a Practical Textbook)” published in 1893 in writing THOR. He guesses Doyle met the book during his stay in Austria from 1983 to 1894.


Ohmi, Kiichiro “The Truth in “The Blue Carbuncle”” 近江喜一郎「青いガーネットの真相」 WH No.13 (1990),90-95p
The author brings up questionable points in BLUE, and suggests the true case was Countess Morcar was Holmes’s client and John Horner was the criminal. He suggests Holmes made up the story based on the case to have Watson write the story to fit the Christmas season.

Kanto, Shinichi “The Real Red-Headed League” 関東眞一「赤髪組合は実在した」 WH No.13 (1990),96-100p
The author demonstrates the Red-headed league was Irish league as red hair is a symbol of Irish, and Molly Maguires was its model. He assumes conservative Doyle wrote REDH as a parody to poke fun at the socialism.

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “The Red-Headed League” Part4” 笹野史隆「赤髪組合 の文学的祖先(その4)」 WH No.13 (1990),101-111p
The author states “Ivanhoe” by Walter Scott is a rehash of“The White Company”, thus the “grandfather” of REDH. He demonstrates Doyle was inspired by “Ivanhoe” and the Crusades in writing REDH.

Saneyoshi, Tatsuo “Conan Doyle’s “The Fiend of the Cooperage” and Okamoto Kido’s “A Night in Hemp Field”” 實吉達郎「ドイルの『樽工場の怪』と岡本綺堂の『麻畑の一夜』」 WH No.13 (1990),112-117p
The author discovers the story “A Night in Hemp Field” by Okamoto Kido resembles Conan Doyle’s “The Fiend of the Cooperage” so much as it can be called as a parody or an adaption. He also verifies when Okamoto read Doyle’s original; the story was in “Tales of Blue Water” published in 1929, but also in “Round the Fire Stories” published in 1908, so Okamoto had a chance to read it before 1928 when he published “A Night in Hemp Field”.
著者は、岡本綺堂の『麻畑の一夜』がドイルの『樽工場の怪』のパロディ、或いは翻案だと言って良いくらいよく似ていることを発見する。綺堂がドイルの原作をいつ読んだのか?詳しく検証する過程で、短編集『Tales of Blue Water』の中に編入されるより前に、『Round the Fire Stories』の中に収録された作品を、綺堂は読んでいたのに違いないと結論する。
  The Literary Agent, Literary Parallels and Comparisons
