The World of Holmes No.36

Nakashima, Hiroko “Sherlock Holmes Pilgrimage to Switzerland” 中島ひろ子「Sherlock Holmes Pilgrimage ホームズ巡礼スイスツアー」 WH No.36 (2013),3-28p
A collection of photos the author took during the Sherlock Holmes Tour to Switzerland held by Sherlock Holmes Society of London in 2012.
  Travel, , Sherlockian and Societies

Watanabe, Mineki “The Places Sherlock Holmes Visited” 渡辺峯樹「ホームズが行った場所」 WH No.36 (2013),35-51p
The author explains the places Holmes went in three categories: Great Britain, London and overseas. The places in England and London are covered in detail.
  United Kingdom

Suzuki, Toshio “My Treasures” 鈴木利男「わたしの宝物 2冊の雑誌」 WH No.36 (2013),52-60p
The author discusses two books that he thinks the most valuable among his collections; Facsimile versions of Beeton’s Christmas Annual 1887 and the first edition of Bradshaw’s Railway Timetable.
『1887年ビートンのクリスマス年刊(Beeton’s Christmas Annual 1887)』のファクシミリ版と、『ブラッドショーの鉄道時刻表(Bradshaw’s Railway Time Tables)』初版第3刷のファクシミリ版について。筆者が入手した経緯、原本とファクシミリ版との差違などを、詳細に解説する。
  Collecting Sherlockiana

Saito, Osami “British Things in Sherlock Holmes Stories” 齋藤長三「シャーロック・ホームズ物語に観るイギリス的なもの ディオゲネス・クラブという言葉を手掛かりに」 WH No.36 (2013),61-69p
The author discusses British mind and culture in the Canon with Diogenes Club as a keyword. Topics include: clubs, British temperaments and foundation of British culture.
  United Kingdom


Ohta, Takashi “Sherlock Holmes in the Mediterranean World” 太田隆「地中海世界のシャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.36 (2013),70-94p
A study about Mediterranean World by referring to the Encyclopedia Sherockiana by Jack Tracy. The author discusses countries, cities, thinkers and religions there.

Sano, Shin’ichi “Does the Speckled Band really Exit?” 佐野真一「まだらの紐は実在するか」 WH No.36 (2013),123-127p
The author inquired if the snake as described in SPEC exists to Japan Snake Center and got a reply that it seems like Russell Chain Viper. Its poison, however, is not fast-acting, thus he concludes the Viper could not be the model of the speckled band.

Takeda, Masao “About Names of Fishes that Appear in Sherlock Holmes Stories” 竹田正雄「ホームズ物語に登場する魚類名に関する考察」 WH No.36 (2013),128-134p
The author picks up the following names of fish species and studies how they are translated into Japanese by Japanese noted translators of Sherlock Holmes stories: lobster, pike, trout, dace and gudgeon.
正典に登場する魚類の名前として、Lobster, Pike, Trout, Dace, Gudgeon, の四種類を挙げ、出版社によって翻訳結果がどの様になったか表に纏めると共に、登場する魚類について詳細に検証する。
    Animals, Translating and Interpreting

Nitta, Kunihiko “A Study of Sherlock Holmes’s Observation Skills” 新田邦彦「シャーロック・ホームズの観察力の研究 記号論の視点から」 WH No.36 (2013),135-143p
The author analyzes the observation skills of Sherlock Holmes from semiotic point of view. He picks us several cases in the Canon and discusses his observation as decoding.
    Sherlock Holmes - Intellect

Uekusa, Yasuhiro “A Study on the Secret Elixir in “The Creeping Man”” 植草康浩「這う男 事件における秘薬に関する研究 プレスベリー教授は何を射ったか」 WH No.36 (2013),147-157p
The author deduces the secret elixir Professor Presbury took would be cocaine with langur blood serum(or gonad extract). He presumes Lowenstein was the fake name of Serge Voronoff, a surgeon in France who attracted publicity with the gonad transplanting operation of monkey.

Shimizu, Takeshi “Poincare, Moriarty and “The Dynamics of an Asteroid”” 清水健「ポアンカレ、モリアーティと小惑星の力学」 WH No.36 (2013),168-173p
The author infers Professor Moriarty found “chaos” ahead of Poincare in his “The Dynamics of and Asteroid”, which led his thesis denied its existence.
  Professor Moriarty

Kondo, Masami “Odd Japanese Titles of Sherlock Holmes Stories” 近藤正美「シャーロック・ホームズの奇妙な題名:図表編」 WH No.36 (2013),176-183p
The author devises his own titles in Japanese for all the stories of the Canon, and shows in the table with his reason and comments.
  Translating and Interpreting

Yoshida, Mio “If the Cases in the Canon are Untold Stories” 吉田未央「もし正典60編が、語られざる事件だったら」 WH No.36 (2013),188-196p
The author introduces the ideas of JSHC members based on her question “if the stories of the Canon are all untold stories” based on the even held during JSHC convention in 2011.
Parodies and Pastiches

Endo, Takahiko “Items Related to Conan Doyle in Davos” 遠藤尚彦「ダボス、ボス、ボス、3ボスボス 合わせてボスボス、6ボスボス」 WH No.36 (2013),200-223p
The author reports the situation of the places in Davos that have relations with Conan Doyle based on his on-site research in July 2013. The places include the hotels Doyle stayed, Winter Sports Museum and Maienflder Furgga.
筆者がスイスのDavosに赴いて、コナン・ドイルがスキーで越えた峠、Maienfelder Furgga についての調査報告。コナン・ドイルが滞在した頃と現在のDavos との対比や、ドイルに関する記念品の紹介など。また、実際の峠越えのルートを実地に歩いて検証した結果を、詳細な報告に纏める。
The Literary Agent, Europe

Goto, Sayuri “In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes in Germany” 後藤五百合「ホームズの足跡をたずねて」 WH No.36 (2013),224-231p
A diary of the trip in Germany in 2013. The author visited Sherlockian places of interests such as Baden-Baden, Strasbourg.

Shimizu, Takeshi “The Return of the Criterion Plaque” 清水健「クライテリオン銘板の帰還」 WH No.36 (2013),272-278p
Baritsu Tokyo Chapter presented a memorial plaque to the Criterion Bar in 1953, which was lost in 1984. The author reports how the plaque was reproduced, presented and put on the Criterion restaurant by Japan Sherlock Holmes Club in 2013.
, Sherlockians and Societies
