The World of Holmes No.12

Izutsu, Masanori “Sherlock Holmes and Japanese Detectives” 井筒雅則「シャーロック・ホームズと日本の名探偵」 WH No.12 (1989),16-21p
The author picks up 39 detectives from Japanese novels and discusses who the most relevant detective to be called a Sherlock Holmes of Japan. Judging from the four requirements he decided, he concludes Kamitsu Kyosuke created by Takagi Akimitsu, and Mitarai Kiyoshi created by Shimada Soji to be suitable to be called a Sherlock Holmes of Japan.
  Literary Parallels and Comparisons

Iijima, Akira “On “Fifty-three and a half miles an hour”” 飯島章「時速53マイル半考」 WH 12 (1989), 22-28
The author advances the method Holmes would have used to calculate the train speed in SILV with the following formula: mph = (the travel distance in 36 seconds) x 100. He compares several methods of calculation and concludes his method or Julian Wolf ‘s method would be the one Holmes would have used.

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “The Red-Headed League” Part3” 笹野史隆「赤髪組合 の文学的祖先(その3)」 WH No.12 (1989),29-39p
The author lists the similarities between REDH and “The White Company”, and concludes REDH is a rehash of The White Company.

Shiraishi, Shigeo “Sherlock Holmes and Ireland part 2” 白石重夫「ホームズとアイルランド(その2)」 WH No.12 (1989),43-45p
The author reports Henry Doyle, the uncle of Conan Doyle, was the Director of the Irish National Gallery and introduces his contribution to the Gallery and the art in Ireland. United Kingdom,
  The Literary Agent United Kingdom


Nakamura, Shigemi “History of Hair Styles” 仲村滋美「髪型の流行」 WH No.12 (1989),78-87p
The author presents how the women’s hair styles changed with times during the days Sherlock Holmes acted as a detective. The prevalent hair styles at times are shown with drawings and the illustrations by Sydney Paget.

Kanto, Shinichi “Who Was “David” in “The Crooked Man”” 関東真一「まがった男 における名前の問題」 WH No.12 (1989),96-100p
The author assumes the name David Mrs. Barclay said in CROO is not taken from the Bible as Holmes suggested, but from the main character of “Kidnapped” by R.L. Stevenson by comparing both stories.
