The World of Holmes No.39

Higurashi, Masamichi “110 years History of Visualized Works of the Canon- Sherlock Holmes Films and Television Series” 日暮雅通「総論:正典映像化作品の110年史 映画とテレビを中心に」 WH No.39 (2016),14-23p
The author describes the history of major Sherlock Holmes films and TV dramas. The works by Gillet, Basil Rathborne, Jeremy Brett, etc. are discussed.
ウィリアム・ジレットの出演したサイレント映画1916年 (Sherlock Holmes) から、今年2016年は本格的なホームズ映画が誕生してから100年目であること。サイレント映画からトーキー映画、TVに至る過程で、ウィリアム・ジレット、バジル・ラスボーン、ジェレミー・ブレット、ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ、イアン・マッケランなどの俳優を挙げ、その功績を検証する。
  TV Dramas & Movies

Shibazaki, Setsuko “The Report on the 20th Anniversary of Jeremy Brett’s Passing Away” 柴﨑節子「ジェレミー・ブレット20周忌報告」 WH No.39 (2016),24-32p
The author reports the memorial event of Jeremy Brett held in London on the anniversary of his passing away.
  TV Dramas & Movies

Yamaoka, Rie “Enjoying Through “Sherlock Holmes - The Abominable Bride”” 山岡理恵「『SHERLOCK Special忌まわしき花嫁』をとことん楽しむ」 WH No.39 (2016),33-37pWH No.39 (2016),33-37p
The author shares her impressions on the titled film. She points out the work contains the various elements from the past works and self-parody, especially the relations to the film “Inception”
「マスグレイヴ家の儀式書」に登場する、語られざる事件“Ricoletti of the club-foot, and his abominable wife”をアレンジしたもの、と著者は指摘する。ドラマ版は現代を舞台にしているが、Special版では原作のままヴィクトリア朝を舞台として、元ネタがない部分が無いのではないかと思うくらい、様々なコンテンツが重層する作品となっていると総括する。
  TV Dramas & Movies

Komatsuki, Masako “Comments on the film “Mr. Holmes”” 駒月雅子「映画『Mr.ホームズ 名探偵最後の事件』に寄せる所感」 WH No.39 (2016),38-40p
The remark on the titled film by the author who is the translator of the original story. She discusses the theme of the film is not only the loss of the beloved but the rebirth of the lost love.
  TV Dramas & Movies


Nitta, Kunihiko “Sherlock Holmes as A Private Eye” 新田邦彦「プライベート・アイ『シャーロック・ホームズ』 ハードボイルドの視点から」 WH No.39 (2016),42-49p
The author analyzes Sherlock Holmes stories as hard-boiled novels. He sees Holmes as a hard-boiled detective from several keywords such as abscondence, reality, toughness, iron-heartedness, big city, fame fatal and so on.
    Sherlock Holmes-General & Miscellaneous

Suzuki, Toshio “Those Sherlockiana Classics are Rare Books” 鈴木利男「あのホームズ学の古典は稀覯本です」 WH No.39 (2016),50-60p
The author lists up the major works of the writings about the writings he thinks as important to Sherlockians. He points out many of such works have become rare books and wishes the reference library will be established.
  Collecting Sherlockiana

Watanabe, Mineki “About Walking Sticks” 渡辺峯樹「ステッキについて」 WH No.39 (2016),61-71p
The author lists up sticks that appear in the Canon and its illustrations. He discusses Watson’s injury in relation to the use of the stick.
    General & Miscellaneous, Weapon

Endo, Takahiko “Do You Know Anything About Dr. Huggard?” 遠藤尚彦「ハガード博士のことは何かご存知ですか?」 WH No.39 (2016),73-85p
The author presents an assumption that the ailing woman in FINA really existed. Although no doctor was available at Davos-Platz in the story, an English doctor named E.R. Haggard stayed at Davos-Platz according to the guidebook as of May 1891. He also found the name of Dr. Haggard appears in Conan Doyle’s letter in 1895.

Ohta, Takashi “The Complex Systems in the Canon” 太田隆「複雑系のシャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.39 (2016),86-98p
The author discusses Sherlock Holmes stories in connection with the so-called “complex system” in scientific studies. By looking over several items in the Canon from the viewpoint of complex system in economic science, the author concludes the system can be connected to Sherlockiana.
    Sherlock Holmes-General and Miscellaneous

Takahashi, Toshiko “Edmond Locard - The Man Who Was Called Sherlock Holmes in France” 高橋登志子「エドモン・ロカール フランスのシャーロック・ホームズと呼ばれた男」 WH No.39 (2016),99-104p
The author introduces Edmond Locard, a noted criminologist in France. He established the modern methods of investigations incorporating Sherlock Holmes’s method of crime investigations.

Shimizu, Takeshi “The House of Von Bork” 清水健「フォン・ボルクの館」 WH No.39 (2016),112-120p
A report on the visit to the places that relate to the house of Von Bork in LAST. The author conducted the investigation on the candidates of the house, Samuel Lewis Convalescent Home and Highcliff in Walton-on-the-Naz, and concluded the former one is likely to be the house.
「最後の挨拶」のフォン・ボルクの館を探しに、著者がエセックス州北東の海岸地方を実際に訪ねた記録。様々な候補の説を丹念に検証する中でデイビッド・ハマー氏の説、ウォルトンの町の北にあるネーズ岬の高台に建っていた、サミュエル・ルイス診療所 (Samuel Lewis Convalescent Home)がモデルであると結論する。
