The World of Holmes No.22

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “The Boscombe Valley Mystery” part1” 笹野史隆「ボスコム谷の文学的祖先(その1)」 WH No.22 (1999),5-8p
The author points out the works Conan Doyle might be affected when writing BOSC; Tom Jones by Henry Fielding, The Mystery of Sassasa Valley, The Sign of Four, and actual crimes of robbery in 1860s.

Hiraga, Saburo “Houses of Two Dukes” 平賀三郎「二つの公爵の館」 WH No.22 (1999),11-28p
The author looks into the two candidates for the model of Duke Holderness and concludes Duke Devonshire and his Chatsworth House is the one. Some other episodes about British Duke families are also introduced.

Kumagai, Akira “The Story Could Have Ended With “The Sign of Four”” 熊谷彰「物語は四人の署名で終わってよかった2」 WH No.22 (1999),48-61p
The author points out the gaps between SIGN and SCAN, and suggests Doyle intended to end Sherlock Holmes stories with SIGN, but restarted with some changed in the main characters.

Ietsugu, Fusao “Color Illustrations by F. D. Steele” 家次房夫「F.D.スティールのカラー挿絵」 WH No.22 (1999),62-70p
A further study about the illustrations by F.D. Steele. The author introduces and comments on cover illustrations in color.


Matsushita, Ryohei “On My 60th Birthday ? Twelve Animals in Chinese Zodiac” 松下了平「還暦を迎えて」 WH No.22 (1999),71-80p
The author looks into the animals in the oriental zodiac that appear in the Canon. He also introduces the conversation among Sherlockians in which year of the animals they were born at the informal dinner during the international convention of the Japan Sherlock Holmes Club.
    Animals, Sherlockians & Societies

Date, Hisayoshi “Marriages of Watson” 伊達久義「ワトスンの結婚 もうひとつの試み」 WH No.22 (1999),82-90p
The author revisited the theories of noted Sherlockians about the marriages of Watson. He concludes Watson married three times, looking into the stories for which the time of the occurrence is clear.

Kiribuchi, Michiko “Victorian Toilets” 桐淵みち子「ホームズ氏とトイレ事情」 WH No.22 (1999),91-104p
A study about the history of toilets from chamber pots to flushing toilets. The author refers to the scenes in the Canon that suggest conditions of toilets, and presumes how the toilets in Baker Street 221 would have been.
    Baker Street 221B, United Kingdom

Kitajima, Yuko “My Queries on “A Scandal in Bohemia”” 北島優子「ボヘミアの醜聞 の何でや」 WH No.22 (1999),105-110p
The author wonders why Irene Adler blackmailed the King when she was about to marry and whoever the fianc?e Norton was. She speculates Irene felt her pride hurt as King tried to give her the palimony and wanted to flurry him.

Endo, Takahiko “The Hound of Abercrombies” 遠藤尚彦「蠻犬、妖犬、その後」 WH No.22 (1999),111-123p
A study about two films the author thought to be Sherlock Holmes films that were shown for the first time in Japan. Further research suggests German film titled “The Hound of Abercrombies” might correspond to those two and may not be Sherlock Holmes films.
日本で公開されたサイレント期のホームズ関連映画の中で「バスカヴィル家の犬」と覚しき作品の邦題の検証。著者は豊富な資料から、大正4年公開の題名「蠻犬」、「妖犬」はドイツ制作の「バスカヴィル家の犬」シリーズの一作品「The Hound of the Abercrombies」であると推定する。
    HOUN, TV Dramas & Movies

Yoshioka, Masakazu “Andaman Islands, the Home of Tonga” 吉岡正和「トンガの故郷アンダマン諸島について」 WH No.22 (1999),128-136p

The author verifies the descriptions about Tonga and Andaman Islanders based on the work of Marco Polo and A.R. Radcliff-Brown.

  SIGN, Asia

Shimizu, Takehiko “Sherlock Holmes and Hanshichi of Mikawa-cho” 清水武彦「ホームズと三河町の半七」 WH No.22 (1999),137-148p
A study about Sherlock Holmes and Hanshichi, Japanese detective character in historical times by Kido Okamoto. The author classifies all of both stories by criminal types and makes comparisons. Characthers of both detectives and authors are also discussed.
  Literary Parallels and Comparisons

Nakamura, Masae “”A Delicate Little Saucer of the Most Beautiful Deep-blue Colour” Brought by Dr. Hill Barton” 中村正恵「ヒル・バートン博士が手にした 世にも美しい濃青色の精巧な小皿 とは、どのようなものであったか?」 WH No.22 (1999),150-151p
The author tries to identify the saucer Dr. Hill Barton brought in ILLU and concludes it to be a blue and white porcelain.

Takahashi, Toshiko “Holmesian Places in France” 高橋登志子「フランス・ホームズゆかりの場所」 WH No.22 (1999),152-160p
The author introduces the places of interests that relate to Sherlock Holmes and the Canon in Paris. The places that relate to Vernet in Avignon are also mentioned.

Ietsugu, Fusao “250 Years of Baker Street” 家次房夫「ベーカー・ストリートの250年(1)」 WH No.22 (1999),172-178p
A study about the history of Baker Street. The author reviews several theories about the development of Baker street and the origin of its name.
Baker Street 221B
