The World of Holmes No.21

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “A Case of Identity” Part4” 笹野史隆「花婿失踪事件の文学的祖先(その4)」 WH No.21 (1998),8-9p
The author refers to the study “Another Case of Identity” by Hoshino, Mamoru, and suggests the actual crime in this study was the model of CASE.

Satake, Tsuyoshi “”The Poe Family” and “The Hound of the Baskervilles” 佐竹剛「ポーの一族とバスカヴィル家の犬」 WH No.21 (1998),10-11p
The author points out the resemblance of names that appeared in the Baskerville family with those of “The Poe Family”, a famous Japanese manga about a vampire family in England by Hagio, Moto.
萩尾望都 作「ポーの一族」に登場するエヴァンズ家の系図と、バスカヴィル家の系図が似ていることについて、具体的に系図を描いて考察。

Kata, Masanao “A Study of Success in Sherlock Holmes” 片雅直「ホームズの成功学」 WH No.21 (1998),12-14p
The author speculates how Holmes thought about his work, life and success by quoting his words in the Canon.
  Sherlock Holmes-Personality

Date, Hisayoshi “Three Passages in Baron Gruner’s Life” 伊達久義「グルーナー男爵の三つの時期についての幻想」 WH No.21 (1998),15-18p
The author looks into three women appeared in NOBL and what “three passages” Baron Gruner went through in his life.


Miura, Kazue “Prisons Sherlock Holmes Saw” 枚麻智國(三浦一恵)「ホームズの見た牢獄」 WH No.21 (1998),19-23p
A study about prisons in England in 18th century. The author also refers to the conditions of prisons in Japan at the time of Holmes.
    Scotland Yard & Justice System

Kumagai, Akira “Doubts About Conan Doyle’s Eye Practice ? Part2” 熊谷彰「眼科開業の定説への疑問2」 WH No.21 (1998),25-36p
The author challenges the accepted notion that Conan Doyle thought of writing Holmes story as no patients came after he went into ophthalmology practice in Portsmouth.
  The Literary Agent

Yoshioka, Masakazu “Correspondent’s Report on Andaman Islands in 1943” 吉岡正和「55年前のアンダマン諸島特派員報告」 WH No.21 (1998),50-53p
The author introduces Japanese correspondent’s report of Andaman Islands during the World War II when Japan conquered the Islands.

Hiraga, Saburo “Feuillete au Foie Gras in “The Final Problem”” 平賀三郎「ストラスブールのフォアグラパイ」 WH No.21 (1998),54-62p
The author brings up several questions about Holmes and Watson’s trip from London to Switzerland, and suggests the trip might be for other purposes.

Ietsugu, Fusao “Frederick Door Steele Again” 家次房夫「F.D.スティールをもう一度」 WH No.21 (1998),64-75p
A supplemental report on the illustrations of Frederick Door Steele in WH 20. Comments by the author for the representative illustrations and Steele’s biography are included.

Endo, Takahiko “Silent Films Related to Sherlock Holmes That Were Released in Japan” 遠藤尚彦「日本で公開されたサイレント期のホームズ関連映画」 WH No.21 (1998),83-111p

The author introduces Sherlock Holmes films that were screened in Japan in the early stage, both imported silent films and those made in Japan. He also suggests the year Holmes film was shown for the first time in Japan was 1916, though the existing studies decided the year to be 1917.

  TV Dramas & Movies

Weller, Philip, translated by Higurashi, Masamichi “Sherlock Holmes and Bicycles” フィリップ・ウェラー/日暮雅通 訳「シャーロック・ホームズと自転車」 WH No.21 (1998),112-126p
The author reviews the history of the bicycle and the Canonical stories that bicycles appeared.
  Transportation, SOLI, MISS, PRIO, FIVE, VALL

Ueda, Hirotaka, Arai, Kiyoshi, Nakahara, Eiichi “History of the Introduction of Sherlock Holmes to Japan” 植田弘隆/新井清司/中原英一「日本におけるシャーロック・ホームズ移入史」 WH No.21 (1998),127-139p
A study of the history on how Sherlock Holmes stories have been introduced in Japan. The authors describe the characteristics of the work in each era of Meiji, Taisho, and Showa. The representative work of the Canon, studies, juveniles, comics and parodies/pastiches are listed. Bibliography,
Bibliography, Japan

Shigaki, Yumiko “Sherlock Holmes on Television” 志垣由美子「身近で目にするホームズ達」 WH No.21 (1998),140-143p
The author showed the Japanese TV videos that represents the image of Sherlock Holmes from her collections. The videos include cultural programs, variety shows, cartoons and commercials.
Japan, TV Dramas & Movies

Blau, Peter E., translated by Higurashi, Masamichi “East and West Met ? Sherlockian Friendships between the United States and Japan” ピーター・E・ブラウ/日暮雅通 訳「東と西の出会い 日米シャーロッキアンの交流について」 WH No.21 (1998),144-148p
The author introduces some Sherlockians who contributed to the friendship between the United States and Japan; how BSI Baritsu chapter was created and some other interesting topics. United States,
Japan Sherlockians & Societies

Webb, James R., translated by Amano, Yaeko “Some Observations on Baritsu” ジェームズ・R・ウェブ/天野八重子 訳「バリツに関する考察」 WH No.21 (1998),149-161p
The author studies various aspects about Baritu, and concludes it was Holmes’s original techniques based on Judo he learned from Kano,Jigoro, the father of Judo who visited the United Kingdom between 1889 and 1891.

Cooke, Catherine, translated by Koike, Shigeru “Vintage 1951 ? A Festival, a Society and a Collection” キャサリン・クック/小池滋 訳「ヴィンテージ1951年 フェスティバル、ソサエティ、コレクション」 WH No.21 (1998),162-174p
The author introduces how Sherlock Holmes Exhibition was realized in 1951, and early days of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London. A summery history of the Sherlock Holmes Collection in Marylebone library is also mentioned.
United Kingdom Sherlockians & Societies

Whelan, Michael F., translated by Amano, Yaeko “A Brief Early History of the Baker Street Irregulars” マイケル・F・ウェラン/天野八重子 訳「ベイカー・ストリート・イレギュラーズの黎明期について」 WH No.21 (1998),175-178p
Transcripts of the Speech at the reception of the 40th Convention of the Japan Sherlock Holmes Club The author talks about Christopher Morley and Edgar W. Smith, and the early days of the Baker Street Irregulars.
United States, Sherlockians & Societies
