The World of Holmes No.38

Arai, Kiyoshi “History of the Immigration of the Canon to Japan-Featuring the Centennial of VALL Publication” 新井清司「シャーロック・ホームズ移入史 出版100年「恐怖の谷」を中心に」 WH No.38 (2015),14-21p
The author explains the translation works of VALL into Japanese during Taisho Era (1912-1926), and discusses the possible translator of the first translation in Japan of which no translator’s name is mentioned.
  VALL, Bibliography

Ueda, Hirotaka “Which Comes First, the Result or the Cause?” 植田弘隆「結果が先か?原因が先か? 峯太郎と柴練の「恐怖の谷」について」W WH No.38 (2015),22-33p
The author introduces juvenile adaptations of VALL by Minetaro Yamanaka and Renzaburo Shibata, noted writers in Japan. Yamanaka changed the order of stories from the cause to the result. Shibata eliminates Moriarty and spots Scoulers as the villain instead.
  VALL, Translating and Interpreting

Arai, Kiyoshi “A Bibliography of VALL in Japan” 新井清司「日本における「恐怖の谷」書誌」 WH No.38 (2015),34-42p
The author presents the list of works related to VALL that have been published in Japan.
  VALL, Bibliography

Yamaguchi, Keita “On Confessions in the Canon” 山口敬多「『正典』における告白について その足掛かりとして」 WH No.38 (2015),44-57p
The author discusses the confessions made by perpetrators in the Canon, and how Holmes reacted to them. He concludes Holmes intended to rebuild the positions of such people in the society through their confessions.
  Sherlock Holmes-General and Miscellaneous


Takeda, Masao “Reading “The Second Stain” in Shizuoka Min’yu Shimbun” 竹田正雄「静岡民友新聞「二つの汚点」を読む」 WH No.38 (2015),58-73p
A study on Japanese translation carried in Japanese local newspaper in 1907. The author discusses the contents of the translation, illustrations and the real identity of the translator.
    SECO, Translating and Interpreting

Noda, Ken’ichiro “Sherlock Holmes - The Truth of “The Final Problem”” 野田憲一郎「シャーロック・ホームズ「最後の事件」の真実」 WH No.38 (2015),74-88p
The author traces the route Holmes and Watson took from London to Switzerland in FINA. For Holmes’s route from Reihenbach to Italy after the battle with Moriarty, he took the theory that Holmes went back to Leuk via Interlaken, then to Cervinia in Italy via Zermatt to reach Florence.

Watanabe, Mineki “About Stationeries” 渡辺峯樹「文房具について」 WH No.38 (2015),89-99p
The author lists up the stationeries that appear in the Canon and explains items in detail. He also suggests what kind of stationeries Holmes carried or kept in his room.
    General and Miscellaneous, Baker St.221B

Ohta, Takashi “The Unpurloined Letter ? Poe, Lacan, Holmes” 太田隆「盗まれなかった手紙 ポオ、ラカン、ホームズ」 WH No.38 (2015),100-110p
The author psychologically analyzes SCAN, NAVA, and SECO using the method Lacan used to analyze Poe’s “Stolen Letter”, and claims these stories represent repetitive compulsion.

Suzuki, Toshio “The Mystery of Yellow in “The Yellow Face”” 鈴木利男「「黄色い顔」事件の黄色の謎」 WH No.38 (2015),100-110p
The author indicates the theory the yellow face means black lacks foundation and agrees the yellow face means the yellow mask. The author also claims the person with dark skin cannot be mixed-breed, which suggests Lucy was an adopted child.

Yoshida, Takehiko “Questions on “The Boscombe Valley Mystery”” 吉田建彦「「ボスコム谷の惨劇」への疑問点」 WH No.38 (2015),129-133p
The author points out the three questions for the BOSC story, and presents his revisions: 1. Holmes investigated who James McCarthy met by calling with the word “Cooee” 2. Ballarat is an unnatural word the dying person says, however, this is inevitable in this story. Either keeping this as it is, or deleting part of conversation about “ARAT” to reduce unnaturalness. 3. The court should publish the actual case and the perpetrator.

Yoshida, Mio “Enteric Fever ? From “The Study in Scarlet”” 吉田未央「Enteric fever「緋色の研究」から」 WH No.38 (2015),134-142p
A study on the enteric fever Watson was struck. The author studies how the fever was categorized at that time, its prophylaxis and healing methods, and shows the timetable of Watson’s conditions from the time of his injury to his return to the Great Britain. Watson-Battle of Maiwand and Wounds,
ワトスンが罹患したEnteric fever(チフス)をテーマに、ワトスンのたどった経過を推測する。1897年にA.E.ライトが腸チフスワクチンを開発するが、ワトスンがチフスに罹患したのは1880年で、まだワクチンの恩恵は受けていないことや、熱帯の気候が感染症の蔓延を招き、ワトスンが感染したのも特別なことでは無いことを指摘する。

Endo, Takahiko “What I Came to Know at Davos ? The Illusion of Villa am Stein” 遠藤尚彦「僕がDavosで知ったこと Villa am Steinの幻影」 WH No.38 (2015),143-165p
The author made research on the plate placed at Villa am Stein showing Conan Doyle’s stay there. In conclusion, Doyle did not stay at Villa am Stein but mostly at the Grand Hotel belvedere. Villa am Stain was a dependence of Hotel Buol, not of the Belvedere.
著者がスイスDavosに赴いてVilla am Steinのプレートについて詳細に調査した報告。結果として、Villa am Steinはベルヴェデーレ・ホテルの別館ではなかったこと。Conan DoyleはVilla am Steinに滞在していたという明白な証拠は無いこと。従ってVilla am Steinのプレートの記述は恐らく間違いであること。以上を結論とする。
    The Literary Agent

Shinozuka, Yoji “Reading “Hanshichi Torimonno-cho” and Holmes with Depth Psychological Approach” 篠塚洋治「半七捕物帳をホームズとの比較により 深層心理学で読んでみる」 WH No.38 (2015),167-175p
The author compares the Sherlock Holmes stories with those of Hanshichi Torimono-cho, Japanese detective stories written by Kido Okamoto. He analyzes some stories that fall with the “Don’t Look” type of the old story, using Yung’s depth psychological approach, and concludes Kido’s work has both Japanese and western viewpoints.
    Literary Parallels and Comparisons

Participants of the 73th JSHC Convention (Complied by Endo, Takahiko), “Let’s Think About Three Sceneric Spots in the Canon” 遠藤尚彦/73回JSHC大会参加者「みんなで考えよう、聖典三景」 WH No.38 (2015),178-190p
A report on the popularity vote for the illustration of BERY, FINA and WIST which was done during the 73th JSHC Convention in Matsushima, Sendai Prefecture. The most popular illustration selected in each story: Holmes in disguise in BERY, Holmes and Moriarty at duel in FINA, Don Murillo looking into the room in WIST.
    Rating of the Tales

Proubasta, Joan, Translated by Ueda, Hirotaka “Joan Proibasta Collection ? Arus Public Library” Joan Proubasta「バルセロナ・アルス公立図書館収蔵 ジョアン・プロウバスタ・コレクション」 WH No.38 (2015),211-216p
A summary of the lecture the author delivered at the 74th JSHC Convention. The author introduces his collection kept in Arus Public Library in Barcelona.
    Collecting Sherlockiana

Hobbs, Don, Translated by Higurashi, Masamichi “The Collection Mania” Don Hobbs「コレクション・マニア(収集狂)」 WH No.38 (2015),217-228p
Japanese translation of the lecture delivered by the author at the 74th JSHC Convention. He talked about how he came to collect Sherlockiana, and various episodes in collecting foreign language versions of the Canon.Japanese translation of the lecture delivered by the author at the 74th JSHC Convention. He talked about how he came to collect Sherlockiana, and various episodes in collecting foreign language versions of the Canon.
ドン・ホブズ氏のホームズ・コレクション収集に関する話。世界には2種類の人達がいるとし、それはコレクターの遺伝子を持つ人と、持たない人であると断言する。彼自身がホームズ本の 収集を続けた結果、外国語版の正典という分野では救いようのない収集狂となり、結果目利きとなったと結論する。
    Collecting Sherlockiana
